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  • conferences: ESRS @ seville

    Steffen and Tobias enjoyed some extra summer in Seville, indulging in lots of tapas while attending ESRS.

  • conferences: pug @ hamburg & FENS @ Vienna

    Once again, PuG and FENS are happening!

    In Hamburg, Svenja and Tobias will both presented a poster! Svenja will additionally present her work in Vienna at FENS.

  • Wanted: We are hiring!

    We are looking for another PhD student from the field of psychology / neuroscience / cognitive science or from the field of machine learning / neural information processing / electrophysiological signal processing!

    You can find all the info in German and English here.

  • new lab member: tobias haase

    We have a new lab member! Tobias Haase is joining us from Goethe University Frankfurt after finishing his master’s in Psychology.

  • new research group: congratulations svenja!

    We are happy to announce that Svenja Brodt has been awarded a position as Max Planck Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics. Luckily, she remains here in Tübingen, and we hope that we can thus continue our fruitful collaboration. Congratulations and all the best, Svenja!

  • conferences, conferences, conferences

    Finally, so many conferences again this year! We are in Paris at the FENS 2022 where Svenja K presents a poster.

  • conferences, conferences: OHBM in Glasgow

    From Freiburg to Glasgow with no time to breathe: both Svenjas are at the annual meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping in Glasgow where they present their current projects.

  • award: Svenja K’s poster won a prize

    At Psychologie and Gehirn in Freiburg, Svenja K won a poster award! Congratulations!

    BTW, PuG 2022 was wonderful as ever with 36 symposia and 256 posters from all areas of biopsychology.

  • conferences: PuG Freiburg

    Psychologie und Gehirn is happening again. After last year’s online version, the conference is happening in person again. And our Monika – who had left us for Freiburg two yeas ago – is one of the organizers!

    Svenja B is part of a symposium on complementary memory systems in the brain, Svenja K has a poster on “Investigating the functional specialization of human declarative memory subsystems”

  • conferences: FAM in Magdeburg

    It had to be postponed several times because of COVID, but finally here it is: the fifth conference on the Functional Architecture of Memory (FAM)! We expect a highly interesting conference with a familiar atmosphere as always.