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  • career: Monika has assumed her position as professor and chair of neuropsychology at the University of Freiburg

    Congratulations and all the best in Freiburg!

  • award: Svenja wins the Attempto prize of the Tübingen neurosciences

    Svenja Brodt has won the prestigious Attempto prize of the Tübingen neurosciences! Congratulations! (news link)

  • award: Lea wins the Forschungspreis Biopsychologie 2019

    Lea Himmer has won the prize of the section Biological Psychology of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) this year! Congratulations!

  • new paper: rehearsal initiates systems memory consolidation, sleep makes it last​

    Our new paper “Rehearsal initiates systems memory consolidation, sleep makes it last” was just published in Science Advances. Using fMRI, we show how rehearsal shifts mnemonic processing from the hippocampus to the posterior parietal cortex and how sleep stabilizes this transition.

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  • new paper: fast track to the neocortex – a memory engram in posterior parietal cortex​

    Our new paper “Fast track to the neocortex: A memory engram in posterior parietal cortex” was just published in Science. We show with diffusion-weighted MRI that plasticity develops rapidly – after just one learning session – for a declarative object-location task in the precuneus. This rapid plasticity drove correct memory recall; and it persisted for more than 12 h.

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  • meet us at the Tübingen Systems Neuroscience Symposium​

    Come find us and discuss our new results at the Tübingen SNS on October, 18th and 19th. Svenja will be giving a talk on her newest results, and both Lea and Svenja will present posters.

  • new paper: inclubation, not sleep, aids problem-solving​

    Our new paper “Incubation, not sleep, aids problem-solving” was just published in Sleep.
    In this paper, we try to tease apart the effects of sleep and inclubation on problem-solving in different tasks: classic riddles,visual change detection and anagrams.

  • new paper: how subclasses affect classification​

    Our new paper “Multivariate classification of neuroimaging data with nested subclasses: Biased accuracy and implications for hypothesis testing” was just published in PLOS Computational Biology.
    In this paper, we show how subclasses can bias classification results and inflate correct classification rates of linear classifiers. We show, when this bias is strongest and how to use permutation tests to correct this bias.

  • meet us and discuss our new MEG sleep results at ESRS in Basel​

    Steffen and Lea will be attending ESRS in Basel from the 25th to the 28th of September.
    Lea will be presenting a poster on her newest MEG results on October, 26th from 11:00 to 13:00 (P033).
    Come find us and discuss slow oscillations, sleep spindles and why recording sleep in the MEG is fascinating.