We are looking for another PhD student from the field of psychology / neuroscience / cognitive science or from the field of machine learning / neural information processing / electrophysiological signal processing! You can find all the info in German and English here.
We have a new lab member! Tobias Haase is joining us from Goethe University Frankfurt after finishing his master’s in Psychology.
new lab membeR: tobias haase
We have two open positions for PhD students. We are looking for one psychologist, cognitive scientist, or neuroscientist and one candidate with expertise in Data Science, Machine Learning, Engineering, or related areas. You find all information on PsychJob: here.
wanted: we are hiring!
We have a new member in the lab: Another Svenja has joined our team for her PhD!
new lab member: Svenja Klinkowski
Congratulations and all the best in Freiburg!