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Steffen and Tobias enjoyed some extra summer in Seville, indulging in lots of tapas while attending ESRS.

conferences: ESRS @ seville

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Once again, PuG and FENS are happening! In Hamburg, Svenja and Tobias will both presented a poster! Svenja will additionally present her work in Vienna at FENS.

conferences: pug @ hamburg & FENS @ Vienna

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From Freiburg to Glasgow with no time to breathe: both Svenjas are at the annual meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping in Glasgow where they present their current projects.

conferences, conferences: OHBM in Glasgow

Psychologie und Gehirn is happening again. After last year’s online version, the conference is happening in person again. And our Monika – who had left us for Freiburg two yeas ago – is one of the organizers! Svenja B is part of a symposium on complementary memory systems in the… Read More »conferences: PuG Freiburg

conferences: PuG Freiburg

It had to be postponed several times because of COVID, but finally here it is: the fifth conference on the Functional Architecture of Memory (FAM)! We expect a highly interesting conference with a familiar atmosphere as always.

conferences: FAM in Magdeburg

Svenja B sends her regards from the European Sleep Research Society’s Sleep Science School “The Functions of Sleep” currently taking place at the beautiful Villa Clythia in Frèjus, France. She just gave a talk about information processing in the transition to sleep and how we can image the locus coeruleus–noradrenergic… Read More »talk: information processing in the transition to sleep

talk: information processing in the transition to sleep